Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Corrupt Politics of Common Wealth Games - Delhi 2010

Finally common Indian citizen has been spared the ignominy of a possibility of failed Common Wealth Games... the games got over and the medals tally was good enough, rather excellent, as compared to all our past performances. Imagine the situation, the Indians across the globe kept feeling the gloomy scenarios for so many weeks!

Ah, who invited this trouble in the first place! That must be quite a botheration for many.

The other day Sheila Dikshit, the honourable chief minister of Delhi was heard on a TV show stating something to the effect that so far as the work got over and the games could start, how did it matter whether the work got over early or just in time...! Imagine the sense of responsibility from our famous politician. She was presumably the most accountable person in Delhi to ensure that the games could be planned and played well keeping the pride of Delhi intact. And now that the games are over she is putting the onus of responsibility on Kalmadi.

Then there is the Congress President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi who is discreetly keeping from Suresh Kalmadi. Rahul Gandhi, the young Congress MP could also be seen interacting with the players and officers recently while Kalmadi was missing from the scene.

So, who is Suresh Kalmadi and how come everybody is being made to believe that he is the only one responsible.

First of all, Suresh Kalmadi is a member of parliament (Lok Sabha) belonging to none other but the Congress of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi. He has been associated with Congress in various capacities since as early as 1978 when he was president of Maharashtra Pradesh Youth Congress. He has been an active politician and currently is a sitting MP from Pune in Maharashtra. He is well known and could not be someone who could be operating in the dark alleys of politics without being seen by the watchful eyes of Congress supremo. In fact no one from Congress could lead such important gaming events and could hold such critical prtfolios without being in the good books of Congress supremo.

It is impossible for Kalmadi and his associates being the only ones responsible for the corrupt and inefficient handling of the preparations for the Common Wealth Games. He is only the scapegoat. The entire episode of singling out Kalmadi and his associates is meant to hide the bigger players behind the dust and smoke.


  1. Blaming the sacepgoat and saving the other culprits, instead of correcting the system has been the practice. Kalmadi is not the last and first one. Remember Shivraj Patil, our previous home minister. He was made the scapegoat for internal security failure when he was just the visible face of the failure.

    Also, are even scapegoats punished or held accountable? Mr. Shivraj Patil is currently governor of Punjab.

  2. My hunch is that the corruption actually must have filled the coffers of several Congressmen, including the funds of the party itself. The spate of comments and mudslinging between Sheila Dixshit and Kalmadi is only a designed strategy and a deliberate smokescreen to divert attention from a larger picture of those top politicians who are invoved in the corruption.While their comments grab media and public attention , the real beneficiaries of the booty make arrangements to hush hush up the entire issue, manage enquiries and save the Congress party. Kalmadi is just a scapegoat and will be richly rewarded later as public opinion always suffers from short term memory loss, or who knows he may just be the "shaheed" party may be looking for having devoured much of the finances....
